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2014.4.01  高雄律師-楊岡儒律師

發文單位: 司法院
解釋字號: 釋字第 360號
解釋日期: 民國 83 年 7 月 29 日
司法院公報 第 36 卷 10 期 1-6 頁
總統府公報 第 5927 號 5-11 頁
司法院大法官解釋(六)(98年10月版)第 333-343 頁
中華民國憲法 第 23、86 條  ( 36.01.01 )
土地法 第 37-1 條  ( 78.12.29 )
土地登記專業代理人管理辦法 第 4 條  ( 79.06.29 )

解  釋  文:
土地法第三十七條之一第二項係依憲法第八十六條第二款而制定,與憲法並無牴觸,業經本院釋字第三五二號解釋釋示在案。內政部於中華民國七十九年六月二十九日發布之土地登記專業代理人管理辦法,則係依據上開法條第四項授權訂定,其第四條:「合於下列資格之一者,得請領專業代理人證書:一、經專業代理人考試或檢覈及格者。二、領有直轄市、縣 (市) 政府核發土地代書人登記合格證明者。三、領有直轄市、縣 (市) 政府核發代理他人申辦土地登記案件專業人員登記卡者」之規定,並未逾越法律授權範圍,與憲法亦無牴觸。

理 由 書:

J. Y. Interpretation No. 360
Date  1994.7.29
Are the limitations on the qualifications of professional land registration agents stated in the “Regulations Governing Professional Land Registration Agents” unconstitutional?
Since Article 37-1, Paragraph 2, of the Land Act was enacted in accordance with Article 86, Subparagraph 2, of the Constitution, it does not contravene the Constitution. This has been upheld in J.Y. Interpretation No. 352. The Ministry of the Interior issued the Regulations Governing Professional Land Registration Agents (hereinafter, “the Regulations”) based on the authority of Article 37-1, Paragraph 4, of the Land Act on June 29, 1990. Article 4 of the Regulations provides that “Those who meet any of the following qualifications may apply for the professional agent certificate: (1) pass the professional agent examination or pass the review and approval measures for professional agent;(2) receive the real estate attorney certificate issued by the provincial government (directly or self-governed municipality) or the county/city government;(3) receive the “land registration professional broker card” issued by the provincial government (directly or self- governed municipality) or the county/city government”. This regulation neither goes beyond the scope of the legal authority nor contravenes the Constitution.
According to Article 23 of the Constitution, restrictions imposed by the government on people’s freedom and rights must be regulated by legislation. However, not all issues regarding people’s rights and freedoms are regulated by legislation. To enforce a statute, detailed and technical issues can be regulated by administrative orders authorized by the statute. As long as the content of the administrative order authorized by the statute does not exceed the scope of authority and complies with the purposes of the statute, the administrative order is permissible by the Constitution. Article 37-1, Paragraph 2, of the Land Act provides that: “The land registration professional agent must pass the Land Registration Professional Agent Examination or pass the review and approval measures for professional agent. Those who have been engaging in the profession of land registration and have received the real estate attorney certificate issued by the government, or have received the “land registration professional broker card” issued by the government before the enforcement of the Act, are allowed to continue to practice. Those who have not received the certificate or the card mentioned above may continue to practice for another five years.” This provision is enacted in accordance with Article 86, Subparagraph 2, of the Constitution. Therefore, it does not contravene the Constitution. This has been upheld in J.Y. Interpretation No. 352. The Ministry of the Interior issued the Regulations Governing Professional Land Registration Agents (hereinafter, “the Regulations”) based on the authority of Article 37-1, Paragraph 4, of the Land Act on June 29, 1990. Article 4 of the Regulations provides that “those who meet any of the following qualifications may apply for the professional agent certificate: (1) pass the professional agent examination or pass the review and approval measures for professional agent;(2) receive the real estate attorney certificate issued by the provincial government (directly or self-governed municipality) or the county/city government;(3) receive the “land registration professional broker card” issued by the provincial government (directly or self-governed municipality) or the county/city government.” This regulation neither goes beyond the scope of the legal authority nor contravenes the Constitution.

' Translated by Professor Chin-Chin Cheng.


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