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2014/3/20 高雄律師楊岡儒律師【保險重要實務】公保給付之爭議之審判法院為普通法院。

2014.3.20  高雄律師楊岡儒律師

資料來源:司法院公報 第 40 卷 11 期 16-29 頁
                    司法院大法官解釋(十)(99年5月版)第 361-381 頁
                    總統府公報 第 6248 號 11-27 頁
                    行政訴訟法實務見解彙編(96年12月版)第 7 頁

相關法條:中華民國憲法 第 16、77 條 ( 36.01.01 )

        國家為提供公務人員生活保障,制定公務人員保險法,由考試院銓敘部委託行政院財政部所屬之中央信託局辦理公務人員保險,並於保險事故發生時予以現金給付。按公務人員保險為社會保險之一種,具公法性質,關於公務人員保險給付之爭議,自應循行政爭訟程序解決。惟現行法制下,行政訴訟除附帶損害賠償之訴外,並無其他給付類型訴訟,致公務人員保險給付爭議縱經行政救濟確定,該當事人亦非必然即可獲得保險給付。有關機關應儘速完成行政訴訟制度之全盤修正,於相關法制尚 未完備以前,為提供人民確實有效之司法救濟途徑,有關給付之部分,經行政救濟程序之結果不能獲得實現時,應許向普通法院提起訴訟謀求救濟,以符首開憲法規 定之意旨。

司法院為國家最高司法機關,掌理民事、刑事、行政訴訟之審判及公務員之懲戒,憲法第七十七條定有明文。而憲法第十六條規定人民有訴訟之權,旨在確保人民得依法定程序提起訴訟及受公平之審判。至於訴訟救濟究應循普通訴訟程序抑或依行政訴訟程序為之,則由立法機關依職權衡酌訴訟案件之性質及既有訴訟制度之功能等 而為設計。我國關於民事訴訟與行政訴訟之審判,依現行法律之規定,分由不同性質之法院審理,係採二元訴訟制度。除法律別有規定外,關於因私法關係所生之爭執,由普通法院審判;因公法關係所生之爭議,則由行政法院審判之。公務人員保險給付之爭議究由何種法院審理、循何種程序解決,法律既無明文規定,則當依事件之性質並考量既有訴訟制度之功能定其救濟途徑。
        國 家為提供公務人員生活保障,依公務人員保險法規定,由考試院銓敘部委託行政院財政部所屬之中央信託局辦理公務人員保險,並於發生殘廢、養老、死亡、眷屬喪葬四項保險事故時予以被保險人現金給付。按公務人員保險為社會保險之一種,具公法性質,關於公務人員保險給付之爭議,自應循行政爭訟程序解決,且公務人員之公法上財產請求權遭受侵害時,得依訴願及行政訴訟程序請求救濟,亦經本院釋字第二六六號及第三一二號解釋闡釋在案。惟現行法制下,行政訴訟除附帶損害賠 償之訴外,並無其他給付類型訴訟,致公務人員保險給付爭議縱經行政救濟確定,該當事人亦非必然即可獲得保險給付。有關機關應儘速完成行政訴訟制度之全盤修正,於相關法制尚未完備以前,為提供人民確實有效之司法救濟途徑,有關給付之部分,經行政救濟程序之結果不能獲得實現時,應許向普通法院提起訴訟謀求救濟,以符首開憲法規定之意旨。

J. Y. Interpretation No.   466
Issue:Under the dual system of litigation specifically adopted by the Constitution, should a payment dispute arising under the Public Functionaries Insurance Act be resolved in accordance with the procedures for administrative litigation?

Article 16 of the Constitution stipulates that the people have a right of instituting legal proceedings. Its aims are to ensure that people may institute proceedings pursuant to legal procedures and to guarantee them a fair trial. The question as to whether proceedings for relief shall follow the procedures for general litigation or administrative litigations is for the legislative authorities to determine, within their duty, by taking into consideration the nature of cases in litigation and the existing litigation system. The adjudication of civil litigation and administrative litigation cases in this State is performed by courts of different description in accordance with the existing laws. The State adopts a dual system of litigation. Unless otherwise stipulated by the laws, disputes arising from relationships governed by private laws shall be determined by ordinary courts; disputes arising from relationships governed by public laws shall be adjudicated by administrative courts.

  The State has enacted the Public Functionaries Insurance Act in order to guarantee protection of the livelihood of government employees. The task for administering the public functionaries’ insurance program is assigned, by the Ministry of Civil Service of the Examination Yuan, to the Central Trust of China (being a department under the Ministry of Finance of the Executive Yuan) which is to make cash payment when an insurance event occurs. Since public functionaries insurance is a type of social insurance and is of a public-law nature, payment disputes arising under the public functionaries’ insurance program shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures for administrative litigations. However, under the existing laws, administrative litigations do not include proceedings for payment except for supplementary proceedings for compensation. Consequently, an affirmative determination of a payment dispute arising under the public functionaries’ insurance program does not necessarily guarantee an indemnity payment to the party involved. The relevant authority should complete the reformation of the whole administrative proceeding system at the earliest opportunity. Before completion of the reformation of the relevant legal system, in the event an order for payment under administrative relief procedures cannot be realized, permission shall be granted for relief proceedings to be instituted in the ordinary courts so as to conform to the objectives of the first abovementioned provision of the Constitution.

The Judicial Yuan is the highest judicial organization of the State, and as expressly stated in Article 77 of the Constitution, it is responsible for the determination of civil, criminal and administrative litigations and for disciplining government employees. Article 16 of the Constitution stipulates that the people have a right of instituting legal proceedings. Its aims are to ensure that people may institute proceedings pursuant to legal procedures and to guarantee them a fair trial. The question as to whether proceedings for relief shall follow the procedures for general litigation or administrative litigations is for the legislative authorities to determine, within their duty, by taking into consideration the nature of cases in litigation and the existing litigation system. The adjudication of civil litigation and administrative litigation cases in this State is performed by courts of different description in accordance with the existing laws. The State adopts a dual system of litigation. Unless otherwise stipulated by the laws, disputes arising from relationships governed by private laws shall be determined by ordinary courts; disputes arising from relationships governed by public laws shall be adjudicated by administrative courts. With regard to payment disputes arising under the public functionaries insurance program, the law does not expressly stipulate the court or procedure for the resolution of such, thus relief procedures shall be determined taking into account the nature of the case at hand and the functions of the existing litigation system.

  In an attempt to guarantee protection of the livelihood of government employees, the State has, pursuant to the Public Functionaries Insurance Act, assigned the task of administering the public functionaries’ insurance, through the Ministry of Civil Service of the Examination Yuan, to the Central Trust of China (being a department under the Ministry of Finance of the Executive Yuan) which is to make cash payments to the insured when any one of four insurance events-- disability, retirement, death or death of dependents--occurs. Since public functionaries’ insurance is a type of social insurance and is of a public-law nature, payment disputes arising under the public functionaries’ insurance program shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures for administrative proceedings. In addition, it has already been explained in this Yuan's Interpretations Nos. 266 and 312 that government employees, upon infringement of their right under the public law to request property, may seek relief by initiating appeals or procedures for administrative litigations. However, under the existing laws, administrative litigations do not include proceedings for payment except supplementary proceedings for compensation. Consequently, an affirmative determination of a payment dispute arising under the public functionaries’ insurance program does not necessarily guarantee an indemnity payment to the party involved. The relevant authority should complete the reformation of the whole administrative proceeding system at the earliest opportunity. Before completion of the reformation of the relevant legal system, in the event an order for payment under administrative relief procedures cannot be realized, permission shall be granted for relief proceedings to be instituted in the ordinary courts so as to conform to the objectives of the first abovementioned provision of the Constitution.

' Translated by Wei-Feng Huang of THY Taiwan International Law Offices.


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