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2014/3/27 高雄律師楊岡儒律師【保險重要實務】公保法細則就保險金消滅時效之規定違憲。

2014.3.27  高雄律師楊岡儒律師

資料來源:司法院公報 第 41 卷 2 期 28-36 頁
                    司法院大法官解釋(十一)(99年5月版)第 38-51 頁
                    總統府公報 第 6269 號 11-21 頁
相關法條:公務人員保險法 第 14 條 ( 84.01.28 )
                    公務人員保險法施行細則 第 47 條 ( 84.06.09 )

公務人員參加公務人員保險,於保險事故發生時,有依法請求 保險金之權利,該請求權之消滅時效,應以法律定之,屬於憲法上法律保留事項。中華民國四十七年八月八日考試院訂定發布之公務人員保險法施行細則第七十條 (八十四年六月九日考試院、行政院令修正發布之同施行細則第四十七條),逕行規定時效期間,與上開意旨不符,應不予適用。在法律未明定前,應類推適用公務 人員退休法、公務人員撫卹法等關於退休金或撫卹金請求權消滅時效期間之規定。至於時效中斷及不完成,於相關法律未有規定前,亦應類推適用民法之規定,併此 指明。

有關人民自由權利之限制應以法律定之,並不得逾越必要之程度,應依法律規定之事項不得以命令定之,憲法第二十三條、中央法規標準法第五條、第六條均有明定。 若以法律授權限制人民自由權利者,須法有明示其授權之目的、範圍及內容並符合具體明確之要件,主管機關根據授權訂定施行細則,自應遵守上述原則,不得逾越 母法規定之限度或增加法律所無之限制。
公務人員保險法第十四條規定,公務人員參加公務人員保險,在保險有效期間,發生殘廢、養老、死亡、眷屬喪葬四項保險事故時,予以現金給付。惟同法對保險金請 求權未設消滅時效期間,主管機關遂於施行細則中加以規定。時效制度不僅與人民權利義務有重大關係,且其目的在於尊重既存之事實狀態,及維持法律秩序之安 定,與公益有關,須逕由法律明定,自不得授權行政機關衡情以命令訂定或由行政機關依職權以命令訂之。四十七年八月八日考試院訂定發布之公務人員保險法施行 細則第七十條前段:「本保險之現金給付請領權利,自得為請領之日起,經過二年不行使而消滅」,規定被保險人請求權時效為二年(現行施行細則第四十七條則改為五年),與上開意旨不符,應不予適用。在法律未明定前,應類推適用公務人員退休法、公務人員撫卹法等關於退休金或撫卹金請求權消滅時效期間之規定。至於時效中斷及不完成,於相關法律未有規定前,亦應類推適用民法之相關條文,併此指明。

J. Y. Interpretation No.   474
Issue:Article 70 of the Enforcement Rules of the Public Functionaries Insurance Act provides that the insured's right to claim for proceeds is limited to a period of 2 years from the date this right may be exercised. Does this Article contravene Article 23 of the Constitution?

Government employees who have enrolled in the Public Functionaries Insurance program have the right to make a request for the insured amount pursuant to the law when the insurance peril takes place. The statute of limitations of such right of claim shall be prescribed by law and categorized as provisos under the Constitution. The statute of limitations prescribed under Article 70 of the Enforcement Rules of the Public Functionaries Insurance Act promulgated by the Examination Yuan on August 8, 1958, (The Examination Yuan and the Executive Yuan amended and promulgated Article 47 of the same Rules on June 9, 1995) does not apply since the said statute of limitations conflicts with the above principle. Statute of limitationss relating to the right to pensions and surviving dependents compensation prescribed under the Public Functionaries Retirement Act and the Act Governing the Payment of Compensation to Surviving Dependents of Public Functionaries shall be applied by analogy where no clear laws have been stipulated. With respect to suspended or unexpired statute of limitations, the applicable provisions in the Civil Code shall apply where no provisions are made in the related laws.

According to Article 23 of the Constitution and Articles 5 and 6 of the Standard Act for the Law and Rules, any restrictions on the rights of freedom of the people shall be regulated by law and shall not exceed the threshold of necessity, and matters which shall be prescribed by law shall not be regulated by an order. Where restrictions on the people's rights of freedom are authorized by law, the law shall clearly identify the intent for such authorization and the scope thereof; moreover, the content thereof shall comply with the prerequisite of specificity. The competent authority shall comply with the aforesaid principles in formulating the enforcement rules as authorized, and shall not surpass the extent prescribed by the parent law or impose restrictions not prescribed by law.

  Article 14 of the Public Functionaries Insurance Act states that "payment shall be made in cash when such payment is made to public servants enrolled in the Public Functionaries Insurance Program where any of the following four insurance perils occurs during the effective period of the insurance coverage: handicap, retirement, death, and bereavement of dependants. However, where the said Act does not stipulate a statute of limitations with respect to the right of claim for the insured amount, the competent authority then prescribes a statute of limitations under the Enforcement Rules. The statute of limitations mechanism not only has an important bearing on the people's rights of freedom, but also aims to recognize the existing facts, to maintain the stability of the legal order, and is conducive to public welfare, the stipulation of which cannot be effected by an order made by an administrative authority pursuant to an authorization or by an order so made ex officio. The first paragraph of Article 70 of the Enforcement Rules of the Public Functionaries Insurance Act promulgated by the Examination Yuan on August 8, 1958, states that "The right of claim for cash payment under the insurance shall be extinguished if not exercised within two (2) years commencing from the day the right may be exercised." This provision, which stipulates that the statute of limitations for the insured's right of claim is two (2) years, (Article 47 of the current Enforcement Rules makes it five (5) years) shall not be enforced on the ground that it conflicts with the aforesaid principle. Statute of limitations relating to the right to pensions and surviving dependents compensation prescribed under the Public Functionaries Retirement Act and the Act Governing the Payment of Compensation to Surviving Dependents of Public Functionaries shall be applied by analogy where no clear laws have been stipulated. With respect to suspended or unexpired statute of limitations, the applicable provisions in the Civil Code shall apply where no provisions are made in the related laws.

' Translated by David T. Liou.


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