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2014.2.25  高雄律師-楊岡儒律師

解釋日期:民國 54 年 12 月 29 日
資料來源:司法院大法官會議解釋彙編 第 225 頁
                    司法院大法官解釋(一)(98年10月版)第 276-282 頁
相關法條: 土地法 第 233、247 條  ( 44.03.19 )
解  釋  文:
一 需用土地人及土地所有人對於被徵收土地之應補償費額,均未表示異議者,主管地政機關不得援用土地法第二百四十七條逕自廢棄原公告之估定地價,而提交標準地價評議委員會評定之。
二 需用土地人不於公告完畢後十五日內將應補償地價及其他補償費額繳交主管地政機關發給完竣者,依照本院院字第二七○四號解釋,其徵收土地核准案固應從此失其效力。但於上開期間內,因對補償之估定有異議,而由該管市縣地政機關依法提交標準地價評議委員會評定,或經土地所有人同意延期繳交有案者,不在此限。
三 徵收土地補償費額經標準地價評議委員會評定後,應由主管地政機關即行通知需用土地人,並限期繳交轉發土地所有人,其限期酌量實際情形定之,但不得超過土地法第二百三十三條所規定十五日之期限。

理 由 書:

J. Y. Interpretation NO.110
Date 1965.12.22
(1)In the eminent domain proceedings, may a reassessment of the land be initiated by the agency in charge of land administration if neither the condemnor nor the landowner object to the amount of compensation originally assessed?
(2)What is the effect of delay in payment of compensation?
(3)When must the payment of compensation be made if there is a delay caused by reassessment of the land?

(1) When neither the condemnor nor the landowner in an eminent domain proceeding object to the amount of compensation assessed, the agency in charge of land administration may not invoke Article 247 of the Land Act to annul the government published land value and refer the case to the Standard Land Value Determination Committee for reassessment.
(2) If the condemnor does not pay the land value and other compensatory expenses to the agency in charge of land administration within fifteen days of publication of the proceeding, the condemnation shall lose effect in accordance with Interpretation Yuan-tze No. 2704. However, exceptions shall be made when the delay is caused by a dispute over the amount of compensation and the case was lawfully referred to the Standard Land Value Determination Committee for reassessment, or when the landowner consents to the deferral of payment.
(3) When the amount of compensation has been determined by the Standard Land Value Determination Committee, the agency in charge of land administration shall promptly notify the condemnor of the decision of the Committee and order payment be made to the landowner within a specified period. The period set for payment may vary from case to case but in no event shall exceed fifteen days as prescribed by Article 233 of the Land Act.

(1)The amount of compensation in an eminent domain proceeding shall be the land value determined by law, if the law has prescribed the land value by an assessment process. If there was a government published land value but ownership of the land had since been transferred, the amount of compensation shall be the cost of the last transaction. If there has never been an assessment or a transaction record, the amount of compensation shall be determined by the agency in charge of land administration. If there was a dispute over the land value so decided, the agency in charge of land administration should refer the case to the Standard Land Value Determination Committee for reassessment, according to Articles 239, 247 of the Land Act. Accordingly, if neither the condemnor nor the landowner object to the amount of compensation, the agency in charge of land administration has no authority to annul the government published land value and refers the case to the Standard Land Value Determination Committee for reassessment.

(2)According to Interpretation Yuan-tze No. 2704 of this Court, if the condemnor does not pay compensation to the agency in charge of land administration within fifteen days of publication of the proceeding, the condemnation shall lose effect. However, if within the above-prescribed period there is a dispute over the amount of compensation, and the case was referred to the Standard Land Value Determination Committee by the agency in charge of land administration, the amount of compensation is still pending. Or, if the landowner agreed with the condemnor to delay the payment, the landowner's interest is not jeopardized. Therefore, the condemnation does not lose effect in these situations.

(3)The purpose of Article 233 of the Land Act prescribing the payment period is to protect private rights by preventing delay of payment in the eminent domain proceedings, and to minimize the damage of landowners. If the case were referred to the Standard Land Value Determination Committee for reassessment by the agency in charge of land administration due to a dispute over the government published land value, although the Act does not specify a payment period after reassessment, nonetheless, for the reasons indicated above, the agency in charge should promptly notify the condemnor of the decision of the Committee and order that payment be made to the landowner within a specified period. The period set for payment should not exceed fifteen days as prescribed by Article 233 of the Land Act.

Translated by Robert Huai-Ching Tsai.



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